Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why a timeout?

Some may wonder why I chose to name the blog Lulu's Timeout Corner. Some of you may not care but for those that do I feel compelled to explain. As a mom, I am constantly doling out "timeouts" in my home. I give them away like lint in my pockets. Some days I wish I can self-impose my own timeout. I wish I can go to a small corner for five minutes and just have some alone time. No tv, no kids, no husband, no music. Just me and silence so I can gather my thoughts and sanity to dive right back into my own personal emotional jungle. I don't have a timeout corner in my own. I don't have a chair with my name on it or even my own room (the last time I had my own room was in college). The answer to my dilemma has come in the form of this blog. So for five minutes every day, I hope to lock myself into this room. Virginia Woolf was so right, wasn't she?

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